Author: Xabi Otero
•10:53 PM
Today, I'm going to write about a topic that has some political issues, although my opinion has nothing to do with it. The topic is about coherence.

As you know, the mundial cup of soccer has just finished and the winner has been the Spanish selection. As it's logic, everbody around the country has been celebrating it. But we must write some previous ideas.

If someone who doesn't know the situation of Spain, let me show you a couple of ideas about this country. It's divided in some regions, and two of them are Catalunya and the Basque Country. Both has very strong movements in favour of independence. It's not very common to see here the Spanish flag, but the regions' one. It is also remarquable that Spanish nacionalist ideas are very bad seen, at least in a considerable group.

However, I believe I have lived a massive conversion. Noy, nearly all the Basks and Catalans are celebrating with joy the victory of what they call "our selection". That's what I don't understand. The same people that were criticising a few months ago the Spanish government and its measures (that even if the cup has been played, lie still there), are now supporting this. I have seen for the first time in my life Spanish flags in my town, where if you were with a T-shirt red and yellow, you were bad seen. Some can try to justifie it when they say that the triumph of the football selection has been due to the Barça team. Though, I think it's not a good explanation. I have two better words to describe it: hypocrisy and incoherence.

Furthermore, I have to add that I've not been supporting my country. So, if someone's thinking that this text is due to my nacionalist ideas, he can change his mind. It's because I'm tired of watching incoherence everywhere I look to.

I think a bit of more comprehension between all the regions (in good and bad moments) could be more fair than what we are living today.
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3 comentarios:

On July 18, 2010 at 11:34 PM , Anonymous said...

Fair enough. But why should people mix politics and sports? I can see a certain contradiction when people who see themselves Basque or Catalan, proclaims proudly his nationality just when the team takes the field, that maybe a contradiction, but on the other hand, anyone should be able to support any team they like independently from his own "nationality." For instance, how is incoherent that a Portuguese supports Spain in a match against the Netherlands, and of course why can he celebrate the victory of the team he was supporting.
The same way that I don’t see the big deal when, a Catalan supports Real Madrid or when a Spaniard supports Manchester United.
And there is no way you should be influenced by politics(something you said above about zapatero) when supporting a team, otherwise no one should support Germany, they are to blame for the holocaust, or the USA, since they former president George Bush started the war against Iraq.
I see far more incoherence, when people does not support one particular team, but just supports every other team that is playing against Spain. That is far more senseless than anything.
Anyway, nice article, although I think that you should look over your conclusions, as I myself think that, there’s nothing wrong for just supporting a team you like leaving all the politics aside. It´s a bit
far fetched to consider that: every Basque that supports Spain is a hypocrite. I am Basque, and I live in Spain. I am glad that Spain won the world cup; I have affection for some of the players. But I didn´t sing proudly that "I am Spanish", cause to me, that’s irrelevant

On July 19, 2010 at 12:02 AM , Xabi Otero said...

Thanks for the comment, it's been very important for me. It's true that politics and sport should not be mixed (although is often done) and you're right when you tell me that I've done it. Maybe because I have some difficulties with the language and I have to think a lot before I can write the idea I can explain in Spanish. But it's true: politics and sport have to be separated.

However, what I'm strictly criticising is the fact that some Basque people have passed from denying any Spanish image to support all of them, just because the Spanish team of football has won the cup.

And finally, I have to add that I've been one of those who have been against the Spanish team. But my reason was so simple: I wanted to avoid all the coments of the journalists that thought before the first match (even if there was a part of right) that Spanish were superior than the other teams. So, I wanted the journalists to be more humble than they were.

p.d. Thank you very much for your comment and I hope you'll write here your personal opinions, cause this has been a great one.

On July 19, 2010 at 12:46 AM , Anonymous said...

Yes, I did totally see your point, and I think that you made yourself perfectly clear, I just felt that I could do some remarks, like the one about mixing politics and sport.

And, yes, there may be some people that don’t have any of their ideas clear enough to be attached to them, so one day feels Basque another he is Spanish, whatever. But, that not incoherence or hypocrisy, it is just ignorance and lack of knowledge about their own feelings or beliefs. They just go with the flow.

Anyway, it’s not fair to generalise in this kind of matters, as people has lots of different points of views that should be respected. And I am glad that we could reach to an understanding and see that our positions are not that far from each other.
