Author: Xabi Otero
•12:04 AM
Last year, I started with the creation of this ranking and here you are the new installment. Incredible competition, but I finally went for these ones.


My job led me to discover the most hidden corners of this river. Walking inside the river gave me a different perspective of the surroundings and it was definitely a great experience. In this sense, the negative connotation normally linked to work did not produce that effect on me. Among all the rivers I walked, this was the most special one, especially due to the beautiful combination of rock and vegetation.


Castles are usually appealing buildings for us. Peracense Castle, moreover, presents a total complicity with the surrounding rock, as we can clearly appreciate in the picture. In fact, it was effectively decided to forget the aesthetical bit of the construction and there where some natural rock outcrops appeared, instead of destroying them, they were used for defence.


On the Welsh coast, we can find loads of wonders, especially in the area known as the Gower. Three cliffs Bay is a nice example. As indicated by its name, the bay is closed by three cliffs, combined with a meandering river. The tones of the sand, the vegetation adapted to the site or small caves are other attractions.


The forms and colours that sandstone can acquire can completely differ from one place to the other. In the protected landscape of Pinares del Rodeno, red hues predominate, which really contrast with the green colours of the pine forest. In addition, a great amount of interesting geological elements are scattered around the area: gnammas (both with and without water), tafoni, honeycombs, Liesegang rings… a real paradise for geomorphology lovers.


It is always grateful to explore this coastal mountain that I have close to my house. Again sandstones, but now they adopt a wide range of colours, especially yellowish. Landforms mentioned in the previous place show up again in here. But its main attraction is the fact that it keeps lots of unravelled secrets that I still need to investigate. But what this mountain has showed me is more than enough to appear on the list; I am referring, among other things, to endemic species or gorgeous coves.

10. Oświęcim / AUSCHWITZ (POLAND)


This year, as well as impressive natural wonders, historical and cultural regions are worth a mention. Auschwitz is one of these, thanks to the museum which effectively impresses the visitor. The catastrophes originated by humans are impressive in all senses, and the atmosphere in this museum conveys tremendous sorrow due to a tragedy impossible to understand. Echoes of innocent voices that were unfairly assassinated on account of human cruelty will follow you around that place, as well as the following days.


When different cultures mix together and are able to live together, they result in enclaves with unequalled historical heritage. Albarracin would perfectly fit into this category, as we can clearly appreciate in the picture. As well as being a very attractive town, the location of Albarracin is also a major point, since it was settled around a highly constrained meander. Furthermore, it is surrounded by layers of completely different epochs, hues and forms and crowned by a spectacular rampart.


Normally, I would never mention a city in this ranking, but I honestly consider the Scottish capital is worth it. Although it does not have a very pleasant weather, the overlying atmosphere in the city is remarkably special. With a great number of medieval buildings, it exudes history in every hidden corner. We should also add the hill located next to the city, from where it is possible to enjoy amazing views. If you are into History, Literature, Politics, Geography or many other fields, this is a must-visit city.

 Author: Carlos Galán

Our habitual world is limited to one layer on Earth. Most of us do not know about the parts on Earth that remain at high altitudes or undersea. Something similar happens with caves, despite being astonishing structures that lie in the entrails of the Earth. The Basque Country contains numerous immense caves and Lezegalde is quite a meaningful example. Once inside, perception about weather and time is readily lost and you can really spend a whole bunch of hours enjoying the enormous corridors in there. Aquifers, speleothems, unknown wildlife and chasms are, among other elements, the jewels of this peculiar space.


Bearing in mind the hydrophilia we all humans use to feel, Scotland hosts lots of lakes ready to surprise the visitor. Loch Lomond might well be the most beautiful big lake in this country (at least, from my point of view). You can easily get wonderful views from Conic Hill. During my visit, I arrived there very early in the morning, before the crowd was even halfway there, and I was able to observe the variability of the Scottish weather at first hand. In one minute, we passed from having a complete view across the lake to a landscape completely covered by thick fog; this was definitely a very good point for taking pictures over and over again. A really magical and dynamical area.


This year, I had the pleasure of enjoying various canyons carved by rivers. To my mind, the most impressive one was Barranco del Peruano. Red sandstones (the same formation that appeared in Pinar del Rodeno) make up the walls of the canyon and its base is full of dry waterfalls and ponds, along with the species adapted to this habitat. Similarly, human has contributed positively to the beauty of this place: former settlements, inscriptions and sculptures adorn the walk along the canyon. An important problem to take into account: no place to protect from the Sun.


The top of this country, it is a point of very interesting geological history. As being located at that latitude and altitude, traces left by former glaciers can be frequently detected: U-shaped valleys, lakes, moraines… It is a nice path to hike to the top, which can also be done by train. The weather is normally the most negative aspect, although I was very lucky during my visit.


An incomparable space to feel the strength of the coast. The cliffs on this day witness a past sea level, even though the waves (especially during sea storms) have started with their eroding work. Worm’s Head Peninsula is undoubtedly a very appealing element in this zone. Lying on an abrasion platform full of ponds, it offers a slightly complicated (but pleasant) hike, which can only be done with low tide. Definitely advisable!


Author: Gildas Beauchamps

In the highest parts of Poland, we can admire the powerful Tatra Mountains. At this altitude, as it happened with Snowdon, glacial footprints can be felt in many corners. In addition, there are footpaths for all kinds of visitors, from Sunday hikers to daredevils. You actually need to be careful, because in my opinion, there are not as many security measures as there should be. In any case, it is certainly an extremely suitable place to enjoy the breathtaking wilderness and disconnect from the city environment.


And the first position will feature the Isle of Arran, for a wide variety of reasons. Firstly, because it was not thought beforehand and it was then an adventure on my own. Moreover, I got to have a very accurate idea about the island, since I got enough time to visit nearly all places on the island. The locals treated me very well and encouraged me to visit more places; it is thus clearly remarkable that they are still not fed up with tourists. And this fact specially conveys great charm to the island, being quite a natural area, as it can be readily appreciated in the colours of the landscape. Mountains, beaches, coastal cliffs, whisky distilleries, chances to spot wildlife, caves, megalithic monuments… if deeply explored, Arran keeps more surprises than it appears to in the beginning.

                                                                    THE END
Author: Xabi Otero
•12:04 AM
Aurreko urtean, ranking honi hasiera eman nion eta hementxe daukazue 2014ko entrega. Lehia izugarria zegoen, baina azkenean, honako hauekin gelditu naiz.


Lanak ibai honen bazter ezkutuenak ezagutzera eraman ninduen. Ibaiaren barruan ibiltzeak inguruarekiko beste pertzepzioak ematen dizu eta esperientzia ederra izan zen, zalantza barik. Zentzu honetan, lanak arrastatu ohi duen konnotazio negatiboa ez zen nire kasuan bete. Zeharkatu nituen ibai guztien artean, Araxes izan zen bereziena, arroka eta landaretza oso era ikusgarrian konbinatzen zirelako.


Gazteluak eraikuntza erakargarriak izaten dira. Peracensekoak, gainera, arrokarekiko erabateko konplizitatea erakusten du, argazkian ikusten den gisan. Izan ere, estetika pixka bat ahaztu eta harrizko egiturak zeuden tokian, hauek ez suntsitzea eta defentsarako aprobetxatzea erabaki egin zen modu eraginkorrean.


Galeseko kostaldean, edertasun ugari aurki ditzakegu, batik bat Gower deritzon zonaldean. Three Cliffs Bay (hiru labarretako badia) inguru interesgarri horietako bat da. Izenak dioen bezala, hiru itsaslabarrek eratzen dute, ibai meandrotsu batekin batera. Harearen tonalitateak, bertan asentatu den landaredia edo labarretan antzeman daitezkeen kobazulo txikiak dira beste erakargarritasun batzuk.


Hareharriak harrapa ditzakeen formak eta koloreak oso bestelakoak izan daitezke. Hala, Pinares del Rodeno izeneko paisaia babestuan, tonu gorriak izaten dira nagusi, pinudien kolore berdeekin nabarmen kontrastatzen dutenak. Gainera, eremu honetan barrena elementu geologiko interesgarri anitz sakabanaturik daude: gnammak (urez betetakoak zein urik gabekoak), taffoniak, honeycombs, Liesenang eraztunak… geomorfologia maite dutenentzako paradisua!


Etxe ondoan daukadan kostaldeko mendi hau esploratzea eskertzekoa da beti. Hareharriak ere esparru honetan, baina orain kolore horixkak nagusitzen dira. Aurreko espazioan aipatzen ziren geoformak oraingoan ere azaltzen zaizkigu (gnammak, taffoniak, honeycombs, etab.). Halaber, sekretu anitz gordetzen dituen lekua dugu, oraindik ere hamaika bazter deskubritzeke dauzkadalarik. Baina chevron-ez betetako mendi honek erakutsi didana nahikoa da top 15 honetan agertzeko; besteak beste, Armeria euscadiensis bezalako espezie endemikoak edo kolore ederretako kala txundigarriak.

10. Oświęcim / AUSCHWITZ (POLONIA)


Aurten gune naturalak ez ezik gune historiko-kulturalak ere azpimarratzekoak dira eta horietako bat Auschwitz da, bertan dagoen museoak bisitaria zur eta lur uztea lortzen duen heinean. Gizakiak eragindako katastrofeak izugarriak dira zentzu guztietan, eta museo honek duen atmosferak  transmititzen du tristura erraldoia, ulertu ezinezko tragedia batengatik. Erailak suertatu ziren ahots errugabeen oihartzunak, gizakiaren krudelkeriaren aiztopean isilarazia izan zena, atzetik jarraituko zaitu handik zabiltzanean, baita hurrengo egunetan ere.


Kultura ezberdinak nahastu eta elkarrekin bizi direnean, ondare historiko paregabea duten enklabeak sortzen dituzte. Albarracin sartuko litzateke kategoria honetan, argazkiak argi erakusten duen moduan. Herria bera erakargarria izateaz gain, kokalekuak ere ikaragarri laguntzen du, meandro enkajatu baten inguruan asentatuta egonda. Hau gutxi balitz, garai, tonu eta itxura desberdinetako geruzez inguratuta dago eta herriaren goiko partea harresi ikusgarri batek dominatuta dago.


Normalean, ez nuke hiri bat horrelako ranking batean aipatu ere egingo, baina Eskoziako hiriburuak hemen sartzea merezi du, argi eta garbi. Munduko eguraldi hoberena ez badu ere, hirian dagoen atmosfera oso berezia da. Erdi Aroko eraikuntzez josita, historia gordetzen du edozein bazterretan, ibiltaria inpresionatzeko zain. Honi gehitu behar diogu hiriaren ondoan dagoen menditxoa, nondik bista ederrak disfrutatzea posiblea baita. Historia, literatura, politika, geografia edota bestelako alorrak gustuko izanez gero, hauxe da bisitatu beharreko hiria.


 Egilea: Carlos Galán

Gure mundua Lurraren geruza batera mugatuta dago. Gehienok ez ditugu ezagutzen goi-altueretan edo itsaso azpian gelditzen diren Lurraren zati horiek. Kobazuloekin beste horrenbeste gertatu ohi da, planeta honen erraietan gelditzen den mundu ikaragarria izanagatik. Euskal Herrian, kobazulo ikusgarri asko ditugu, eta Lezegalde dugu adibide esanguratsu. Behin hemen sartuta, eguraldi eta denboraren pertzepzioa zeharo galtzen da eta orduak eman ditzakezu korridore ilun eta itzel hauetan zehar. Akuiferoak, espeleotemak, fauna ezezaguna eta amildegiak dira, besteak beste, hemen gozatuko dituzun elementu bitxienak.


Gizakiok sentitzen dugun hidrofilia aprobetxatuz, Eskoziak laku dezente ditu edozein bisitari harritzeko prest. Loch Lomond agian herrialde honetako lakurik ederrena litzateke, iritziak iritzi. Oso erraz lor daiteke laku osoaren bista Conic Hill izeneko muinotik. Nire bisitan, bertara heldu nintzen goiz, jendetza bertara abiatu baino lehen, eta eguraldiaren aldakortasuna kontenplatu ahal izan nuen gertutik. Minutu batean, erabateko ikuspena izatetik laino dentsoak estalitako paisaia izatera pasatzen ginen, argazkiak ateratzeko aukerak zabalduz. Laino iragankor horrekin, sentsazioak haratago pizten ziren, Eskoziako esentzia eskuratu berri bazenu bezala. Eremu xarmangarri, magiko eta dinamikoa.


Aurten ibai desberdinek zizelkatutako arroila batzuk disfrutatu ahal izan ditut. Nire aburuz, harrigarriena Barranco del Peruano izan da. Hareharri gorriek (Pinar del Rodenon azaleratzen ziren formazio berdintsukoak) arroilaren pareta osatzen dute eta honen oinarrian, tarteka etortzen den urak sortutako jauziak eta putzuak daude, habitat hauei egokitu diren espezieekin batera. Honetaz gain, gizakiaren boterea ere sumatu daiteke: asentamenduak, inskripzioak eta eskulturak nonahi aurki daitezke. Oso paseo polita, baina eguzkitik babesteko tokirik ez!


Herrialde honetako punturik garaiena, iragan geologiko interesgarri baino interesgarriagoa aurkezten duen lekua dugu oraingoan. Latitude eta altitude horretan kokatuta egonik, glaziarrek utzitako arrastoak suma daitezke han-hemenka: U itxurako haranak, lakuak, morrenak… Ibilaldi lasaia goiko partera iristeko, trenez igotzeko aukera ere dagoela. Eguraldia izaten da aspekturik negatiboena, nahiz eta nik zorte izugarria eduki nuen.


Kostaldeko indarra sentitzeko aparteko lekua. Badia honetan, itsaslabarrak antzinako itsas mailaren lekuko dira, enbatetan sortzen diren olatuak higatze-lanekin hasi badira ere. Zalantza barik, Worm’s Head Penintsula oso elementu erakargarria da zonalde honetan. Putzuez betetako urradura-plataforma oinarri duelarik, ibilaldi gorabeheratsua (ez konplikatuegia, ordea) eskaintzen du, itsasbehera dagoenean bakarrik egin daitekeena. Guztiz gomendagarria!


Egilea: Gildas Beauchamps

Poloniako gune altuenetan, Tatra mendi boteretsuak genituzke. Altuera honetan, Snowdon-en kasuan bezala, glaziarren arrastoak senti daitezke bazter askotan. Zailtasun ezberdineko bideak daude hala igandezale nola abenturazaleentzat. Hori bai, kontuz ibili behar da, nire ustez behar liratekeen segurtasun-neurri batzuk faltan daudelako. Nolanahi ere, natura basatiaz gozatzeko eta hiriko giroa erabat ahanzteko leku aproposa da.


Eta lehendabiziko postuan Arran irla egongo litzateke arrazoi asko direla medio. Hasteko, aldez aurretik pentsatuta ez zegoelako eta bakarrik gauzatutako abentura bat izan zelako. Jarraitzeko, irla osoaren irudi zehatza egitea lortu nuen, ia leku guztiak bisitatzeko denbora izan nuelako. Bertako biztanleek nahiko ondo tratatu eta leku gehiago bisitatzera animatu ninduten, gainera, oraingoz turistez nazkatuta ez baitaude. Eta honek, hain zuzen, ematen dio xarma handia irlari, naturaltasun gradua altu samarra delarik, paisaien koloreetan bereizi daitekeen legez. Mendiak, hondartzak, whisky-destilategiak, fauna ikusteko aukera, itsaslabarrak, kobazuloak, monumentu megalitikoak… sakon aztertuz gero, Arranek hasieran dirudien baino sorpresa gehiago izango ditu gordeta zuretzat.

                                                                    THE END