•11:38 AM

Formed 25 million years ago, Lake Baikal is the oldest, deepest lake in the world, reaching depths of 5,577 ft. - over a mile!
This icy oasis holds 20 percent of Earth's unfrozen freshwater supply, and sustains its own isolated wildlife species making Lake Baikal a prime site for researchers to study freshwater ecosystems and evolutionary science.
Located near the Russian-Mongolian border, you can see the lake's forested shores surrounded by snow-clad peaks of the Barguizin mountains in this photo.
1 comentarios:
Vaya, pues me habría parecido más creíble que se localizase en la Europa del norte que en Rusia-Mongolia!!
Por qué pones fotos tan chulaaas!! Ahora qué me pongo yo de fondo de pantalla!!! XD