•4:17 PM
Hoy os traigo un nuevo grupo de música, de reciente descubrimiento por mí. Es un grupo cuyo estilo no sabría definir... las canciones son tan distintas... Pero hay un patrón común en todas ellas que no puedo explicar. De todas ellas, os pongo esta, porque tiene una percusión que incita a levantarse y a moverse inmeditamente.
Uno de los aspectos que más me gusta de este grupo es el uso de la percusión, que sigue ritmos similares a los sub-saharianos. También me encanta que usen instrumentos típicos vascos como la txalaparta. Y es que aunque el grupo es de origen inglés, poseen ascendencia navarra y están impresionados de la supervivencia de una cultura tan especial.
Dicho esto, espero os guste la canción de hoy.
Do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
Do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
Come over here with your heart
And I will love your heart with mine.
Do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
It's half-past the moonlight.
Nobody would see us go.
(And I wonder) If....
Maybe you will look into my eyes
and you will see just what you done to me.
Time is short. You know you live one life.
It was love at first sight.
And being by your side is the only thing on my mind
Do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
Come over here with your heart
And I will love your heart with mine.
So do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
Uno de los aspectos que más me gusta de este grupo es el uso de la percusión, que sigue ritmos similares a los sub-saharianos. También me encanta que usen instrumentos típicos vascos como la txalaparta. Y es que aunque el grupo es de origen inglés, poseen ascendencia navarra y están impresionados de la supervivencia de una cultura tan especial.
Dicho esto, espero os guste la canción de hoy.
Do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
Do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
Come over here with your heart
And I will love your heart with mine.
Do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
It's half-past the moonlight.
Nobody would see us go.
(And I wonder) If....
Maybe you will look into my eyes
and you will see just what you done to me.
Time is short. You know you live one life.
It was love at first sight.
And being by your side is the only thing on my mind
Do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
Come over here with your heart
And I will love your heart with mine.
So do you want to go
to the plage with me?
I'm going down-down-down
there for the morning,
most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Calm down-down-down,
my love is calling.
Euskal Herria,

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