Author: Xabi Otero
•3:55 PM
Today I'm writing about a novel I've just finished. As I read one book of the writer Mark Haddon that was really interesting, I've decided to read another one.

I reckon this book is beautiful and full of mistery and entertainment. But I cannot compare to the other one (there was a post in this blog about it - the book is called the curious incident of the dog at the night time), because this one has been a book just to have a good time.

But it could be interesting to read it, because it's quite easy to understand, and I've read in a short period of time, especially because it encourages you to read it rapidly. Moreover, I see it as a very appropriate book for teenagers, because it's full of mysterious stories and other funny things I find very suitable for this public.

To sum up, it's very funny, but I only recommend it to people who want to read a book in English or who don't look for a entertaining story. If you want something extra, I would warmly recommend the other book of this author, which I liked much more.
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1 comentarios:

On December 29, 2011 at 5:03 PM , Cristian M.C. said...

It looks interesting... So maybe in the future I will ask you to lend me the book if you consider I can understand it ;)