Author: Xabi Otero
•11:37 AM
Llega el momento de poner una de las obras maestras del mundo musical dentro de la música contemporánea. Fue un honor que Michael Jackson pudiera reunir a estos artistazos por una buena causa. Todo lo mejor de USA de aquella época está aquí y cada uno demuestra su gran voz, su potencia, sus timbres peculiares... Una gran composición que hoy pongo aquí.

Lionel Richie
There comes a time when we heed a certain call

Lionel Richie & Stevie Wonder
When the world must come together as one

Stevie Wonder
There are people dying

Paul simon
And its time to lend a hand to life

Paul simon & Kenny Rogers
The greatest gift of all

Kenny Rogers
We cant go on pretending day by day

James Ingram
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change

Tina Turner
We are all part of gods great big family

Billy Joel
And the truth, you know, love is all we need

Michael Jackson
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Diana Ross
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives

Michael Jackson & Diana Ross
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

Dionne Warwick
Send them your heart
So theyll know that someone cares

Dionne Warwick & Willie Nelson
And their lives will be stronger and free

Willie Nelson
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread

Al Jarreau
So we all must lend a helping hand

Bruce Springsteen
We are the world, we are the children

Kenny Loggins
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Steve Perry
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives

Daryl Hall
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

Michael Jackson
When youre down and out, there seems no hope at all

Huey Lewis
But if you just believe theres no way we can fall

Cindy Lauper
Well, well, well, well let us realize that a change can only come

Kim Carnes
When we stand together as one

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Bob Dylan
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives

Bob Dylan
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

Ray Charles
Allright let me hear ya

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Ray Charles
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a brighter day
Just you and me

Stevie Wonder / Bruce Springsteen
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Stevie Wonder
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

Stevie Wonder / Bruce Springsteen
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Bruce Springsteen
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

James Ingram
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving

Ray Charles
Theres a choice were making
Were saving our own lives
Its true well make a better day
Just you and me

We are the world......

p.d. No more new versions, please.
Author: Xabi Otero
•10:44 PM
El nacimiento del río Nervión tiene lugar en el norte de Álava (frontera con la provincia de Burgos), cerca del puerto de Orduña.

Las aguas caen desde el desfiladero de Delika. En los meses de lluvias (o nieves en invierno), el río Nervión forma un espectacular salto de agua de 270 metros de altura. Se puede observar el salto desde un mirador situado a unos 30 metros más arriba, en la margen izquierda del río. Durante los meses de verano, en cambio, la cascada está seca o con un fino hilo de agua (si tiene suerte, puede llegar a verse que el agua que cae cascada abajo se evapora por el camino, dando lugar a un arcoiris). Además, el sitio está lleno de un hayedal que da un color verde al paisaje.

Sin duda, un lugar de visita obligada dentro de esta gran comunidad autónoma.

Author: Xabi Otero
•1:28 AM
No he tocado hasta ahora ningún tema acerca de una de las culturas que más admiro: la cultura árabe. En efecto, fue una cultura que tuvo su época brillante, a pesar de que hoy en día no sea muy apreciada por lo general.

En cuanto a los calendarios utilizados en este mundo, cabe resaltar varios aspectos:

1. Se utilizan al menos 2 calendarios (En algunos países incluso más): El cristiano (el utilizado a nivel universal) y el árabe-islámico.

2. El calendario árabe-islámico se compone de 12 meses, que aparecen en la foto al final de esta entrada. El año empieza con el mes de muharram, en el día de la Hégira de Mahoma.

3. El calendario árabe-islámico, a diferencia del cristiano, es lunar. Esto es, la distribución de los días de los 12 meses varía en función a las fases lunares. El motivo por el cual los árabes basan su calendario en la Luna se remonta a varios siglos: antiguamente, cuando los árabes necesitaban hacer un viaje relativamente largo (por ejemplo, de 7 días), dado que no había luz, precisaban saber cuándo la Luna iba a dar más luz a la Tierra. De esta manera, cada mes empieza con la fase creciente de la Luna.

4. Por lo tanto, no se sabe cuándo comienza el mes hasta la noche anterior.

5. Normalmente los meses tienen una duración aproximada de 28 días, pero pueden durar más, según las fases de la luna en dicho mes.

6. Se ve claramente que el calendario cristiano y el árabe-islámico no coinciden, siendo este segundo de unos 10 - 11 días menos.

7. Dado que el calendario árabe no sigue los movimientos del Sol, los meses no siempre coinciden en la misma estación del año. Puede ocurrir que un mes determinado sea en verano y que al cabo de 20 años caiga en invierno. Esto puede tener grandes repercusiones si se trata del mes del ramadán (No olvidemos que durante este mes, los islámicos deben ayunar hasta que el Sol se pone, así que si el ramadán cae en verano, al ser los días más largos, las horas sin comer también son mayores).

Author: Xabi Otero
•10:28 AM
Kenny Loggins es un cantante estadounidense que dejó su huella en aquella maravillosa década que ha aparecido tantas veces en este blog. Os dejo el vídeo para admirar los bailes de aquella época. ¿No hay ninguna forma de que vuelva esta época otra vez?

I been working so hard
Keep punching my card
Eight hours, for what?
Oh, tell me what I got
I get this feeling
That time's just holding me down
I'll hit the ceiling
Or else I'll tear up this town
Tonight I gotta cut
Loose, footloose
Kick off your Sunday shoes
Please, Louise
Pull me offa my knees
Jack, get back
C'mon before we crack
Lose your blues
Everybody cut footloose
You're playing so cool
Obeying every rule
Dig way down in your heart
You're yearning, burning for some
Somebody to tell you
That life ain't passing you by
I'm trying to tell you
It will if you don't even try
You can fly if you'd only cut
Loose, footloose
Kick off your Sunday shoes
Oowhee, Marie
Shake it, shake it for me
Whoa, Milo
C'mon, c'mon let go
Lose your blues
Everybody cut footloose
FIRST - we got to turn you around
SECOND - You put your feet on the ground
THIRD - Now take a hold of your soul
FOUR - Whooooooooa, I'm turning it

Author: Xabi Otero
•1:47 PM
So many Climate changes have taken place throughout the history, and they've been very different. But it's amazing to read that an Icelandic volcano was the reason of a climate change that later spreads to most of the Northern hemisphere.

Icelandic volcanoes were under an icy layer, which are called glaciers, but the magma inside the volcanoes tried to go out the surface, and this fact repeatedly make glaciers dissapear. If we see the glacier from above (as we can see in the most important one, Vatnajökull), we can notice a concave form.

Once the glaciers have disappeared, the eruptions are harder, as the upper layer's already dissapeared. For example, Icelandic people would never forget the hard eruption of the Laki volcano in 1783. Then, the crops were burnt and animals were killed too, so there was a great famine in the whole country.

It seems that after that eruption (And the following 4 ones 3 years later), there was a climate change, specially in the Northern Hemisphere, but it wasn't known whether both facts were related. In order to prove that probable relationship, they tried to find the answer in the 4 eruptions which took place 3 years later. Then, lava went out for 8 months from the fissures (Icelandic volcanoes are very similar to the Hawaiians ones, because lava goes out from a fissure).

The geologists nowadays have found the answer in the rocks. The ones we can find around Laki are full of holes, and that means once magma ebaporated from there. In addition, as we can also see white marks, those are pure magma's rests. So, if we could analyze their composition, we could know the composition of the magma and they knew it was very rich in sulfur oxide.

Sulfur oxide later went up to the atmosphere and mixed with water vapour, creating a big fog. Then, that amazing cloud didn't let the sun arrive with so much strength (so, this is one reason of the descent of the temperatures). Moreover, we can't forget fog, like a cloud, has the capacity of reflecting the sun's rays, so a part of the sun's rays that reach that fog, came back to the atmosphere again. That's why the amount of radiation that reach the surface was extremely few and the tenperatures in Iceland went down 0'5 - 1º on average. Later, that fog spread to many countries in Northern - Central Europe, so there they also had colder climate. Although the descent of the tenperatures was quite little, it was enough to create a bigger layer of ice in winter, and as a result, when the ice layer fused in spring, floods abounded.

Those eruptions also had more consequences (the Indian drought, the Japanese colder winters...), but I guess this is enough.
Author: Xabi Otero
•11:07 AM
Aspaldiko partez ez dut idazten euskaraz, beraz, gaur tokatzen zait. Hala ere, bihar sarrera berdina beste hizkuntz batean.

Aldaketa klimatikoak historian zehar anitzak izan dira, eta beraien artean oso ezberdinak. Baina inoiz ez nuen pentsatu sumendi batek eragin zezakeela aldaketa klimatiko bat. Bada, hori da Islandian gertatu zena.

Islandiako sumendiak, izotz geruza baten azpian daude (glaziarrak), baina barneko material magmatikoak ateratzen saiatzen badira, azkenean glaziarrei lekua kentzen diete. Goitik ikusten badugu, forma ahur bat ikusiko genuke glaziarrean (Vatnajökull-en ikusten dena).

Glaziarrak desagertutakoan, ateraketak bortitzagoak izan ohi dira, goiko estalia ez dagoelako. Adibidez, Islandiarrek ez dute inoiz ahaztuko Laki sumendiaren ateraketa ikaragarria 1783. urtean. Uztak erre zituen eta animaliak ere hil zituen, beraz, goseteak egon ziren herrialde honetan.

Badirudi erupzioaren ondoren, aldaketa klimatiko bat egon zela batez ere Ipar Hemisferioan, baina ez zekiten harremanaturik zeuden bi fenomenoak. Harreman hori frogatzeko, erreparatu zieten 3 urte beranduago Laki sumendiaren 4 erupzioei. Han, etengabeko magma 8 hilabetez atera zen pitzaduretatik (Islandiako sumendiak Hawaikoen antzekoak dira, fisuralak deitzen direnak).

Egungo geologoek harrietan ikusi zuten erantzuna. Laki inguruan dauden harriak zuloz beteta daude eta horrek esan nahi du noizbait magmaren lurrunketa handi bat egon zela. Harrietan orban zuriak ere daudenez gero, magma garbiaren arrastoak dira. Beraz, orban horiek aztertuz gero, jakin genezake zein osaketa zeukan garai horretako magmak eta aurkitu zuten magma sufre oxidoan oso aberatsa zela.

Sufre oxidoa atmosferara igaro zen eta ur lurrinarekin nahastu egin zen, laino batzuk osatuz. Orduan, laino izugarri horrek ezin zuen utzi eguzkia hainbesteko indarrekin pasatzen (beraz, hori da tenperatura baxuagoak egotearen arrazoiren bat). Gainera, ez dugu ahaztu behar hodei batek bezala, laino horrek eguzkia islatzeko gaitasuna zeukal, beraz, hortara ailegatzen zen erradiazioen kopuru bat, berriro atmosferara itzultzen zen. Horregatik, lurrara iristen zen erradiazioen portzentaia oso murriztuta zegoen eta 0'5 - 1º gutxiago egon ziren Islandian. Laino hori, gero Ipar - Erte Europara zabaldu zen eta han ere tenperatura baxuxeagoak izan zituzten. Tenperatura jaitsiera txikia izan zen arren, nahikoa izan zen neguan izotz geruza gehiago egoteko, eta udaberrian izotz horietan fusioa ematean, uholdeak egoteko.

Ondorio gehiago ere eragin zituen (Indiako lehortea, Japoniako negu latzagoak...), baina gera gaitezen honekin.

p.d. Mañana pondré o en castellano o en inglés.