Author: Xabi Otero
•5:20 PM
La energía liberada por una bomba atómica proviene de la conversión de masa en energía (E = mc^2; c = velocidad de la luz). Pero si quieres calcular la energía de un camión que choca o de un meteorito que frena, una relación similar interviene, si bien ahora la energía provendría de la masa que está frenando. La energía que se pierde en el frenado equivale a m/2 (masa del meteorito) * v^2 (velocidad del meteorito).
Por lo tanto, en Hiroshima la cantidad de masa convertida en energía es de 0.7 gramos * velocidad de la luz, lo cual suma un total de alrededor de 16.000 toneladas de TNT. El meteorito entró a la atmósfera con una velocidad asombrosa de 18 km/s. Enorme, pero alrededor de 15.000 veces más pequeña que la velocidad de la luz. Sin embargo, era mucho más pesado, alrededor de 7.000 toneladas. Si divides ambos números, el resultado mostrará que la energía liberada por el meteorito es alrededor de 20 veces mayor que la de la bomba de Hiroshima.

Author: Xabi Otero
•5:12 PM
The energy released by an atomic bomb comes from the transformation of mass into energy (E = mc^2; c = speed of light). But if you want to calculate the energy of a lorry crashing or a meteorite that brakes, a similar relationship takes part, but the energy now comes from the mass that is braking. The energy lost by braking is equal to m/2 (meteorite's mass) * v^2 (meteorite's velocity).

Therefore, in Hiroshima the amount of mass converted into energy is 0.7 gr. * speed of light, equal to around 16,000 tons of TNT. The meteorite entered the atmosphere at such high speed as 18 km/s. Enormous, but about 15,000 times smaller than the speed of light. Yet it was much heavier, around 7,000 tons. If we divide both numbers, we would get that the meteorite energy was 20 times larger than the Hiroshima bomb.

Author: Xabi Otero
•2:17 PM

Sharks are creatures that have scared thousands of generations of human population because they're considered a really dangerous species. However, few people know (and scientists don't fully understand) a process called tonic immobility (also known as thanatosis or cataleptic state).

This concept refers to the natural state of paralysis sharks enter under various stimuli, during which they can mimic lifelessness for up to 15 minutes. The shark will then relax, its dorsal fins will straighten, its breathing will become slow and even and it may be touched or estimulated with virtually no response.

Sharks display tonic immobility as a response to only one well-documented stimulus: being inverted. Other species of shark (e.g. lemon, reef and tiger sharks) also display tonic immobility when their snout is rubbed, as their sensory organs termed the ampullae of Lorenzini are overestimulated. Even exhausting the shark has been proved to initiate this peculiar mode. After behavioural controls are established, a successful chemical repellent will awaken a shark from this tonic state and will simply swim away with no apparent harm done. This behaviour has been registered only in several shark species: lemon (Negaprion brevirostris), sandbar (Carcharhinus plumbeus), tiger (Galaeocerdo cuvier), blue (Prionace glauca), nurse (Ginglymostoma cirratum), great whites (Carcharodon carcharias) and black-tip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus).

Negaprion brevirostris
Prionace glauca

Galaeocerdo cuvier
Carcharhinus plumbeus
Ginglymostoma cirratum

Carcharhinus limbatus

Carcharodon carcharias
 A very interesting fact about this particular behaviour is that female sharks are more responsive to this status than in male sharks. The most plausible explanation for this is that females try to deter unwanted attention from amorous males. In addition, both males and females will display this apparently magical behaviour to shake off their predators so that as soon as the latter lose their concentration they can swim away. However, it has also been found out that some animals such as orcas force sharks into the inverted position to facilitate their predation. 

This behaviour is highly interesting for scientists, as it provides them a unique opportunity to study certain shark behaviours and physiology


Above, you can watch a video of a good example of tonic immobilisation. Totally fascinating, isn't it?

SOURCES:  (this link will give you examples of tonic immobility in other animals).
DOCUMENTARY: BBC Human planet. 1: The oceans. Minutes 27.30 to 32.45.
Author: Xabi Otero
•9:07 PM

Figure 1: Cotopaxi glacier's majestic and impressive shape.
The Cotopaxi glacier is located in Ecuador and was discovered in 1802 by Alexander von Humboldt. It is located 75 km southeast of Quito (capital of Ecuador) and it's the second highest peak of the country with 5897 metres. It is actually covered a volcano that turns out to be quite active.

Figure 2: Cotopaxi glacier's map, showing its equatorial latitude that strongly influences the character of the glacier.
As we can see in the map, the glacier is located in Equatorial latitudes, the glacier will present characteristics typical of equatorial ice bodies. For example, precipitation is the key to understand its existence, because the high temperatures according to its latitudes would prevent such element from developing. Yet high precipitation rates (accumulation) would exceed melting occuring throughout the year (ablation). Besides, because the equatorial climate displays similar temperature values throughout the year, the ELA (a glacier concept indicating the point where accumulation equals ablation) doesn't seasonally vary in altitude. This is totally opposite to what happens to glaciers in high or mid-high latitudes, where seasonality is great and therefore, the ELA appears at different altitudes in the different seasons. If climate is warmer, ablation increases, so the ELA will go higher in altitude; the opposite phenomenon would be registered in a cooling climate context. As a result, Equatorial glaciers are very sensitive to climate change, so minimum alterations in termperature will trigger enormous fluctuations in the glacier mass.

Figure 3: Since the Little Ice Age (finishing by the end of the 19th century), tropical glaciers have been retreating. Evidence of it is the elevation of the ELA in the Telata glacier (Bolivia); ELA's elevation is related with increasing ablation as a consequence of warmer temperature (more ablation occurs, so the point where ablation equals accumulation appears higher in altitude).
Since the Little Ice Age, the ELA has gone up 300-400 metres higher, most of which happening in the last 75 years. In fact, temperatures have risen by 0.10ºC per decade, amounting to a total of 0.70ºC, and the main consequence for temperature is the decrease of cloudiness and precipitation. This is also true for other glaciers located in tropical or equatorial latitudes, as we can clearly identify in the graph above.

However, development of glaciers is not easy to monitor, as they're deeply affected by such perturbations as the ENSO phenomenon, which presents annual variations (especially in February-May and in September) of 0.7-1.3ºC. As said, these variations, despite looking tiny, they're significant for fluctuations in ice mass balance (mass balance = ablation - accumulation).

Figure 4: CO2 liberation in mol/m2/yr.
But before going through these oscillations caused by the ENSO phenomenon, let's have a look at the normal situation. The map above represents the liberation of CO2 from the ocean to the atmosphere. As we can see, there's a red spot along the South American western coast (i.e. high CO2 liberation rates), explained by the upwelling of deep water to the surface. This phenomenon happens because the northeasterly winds from the northern hemisphere collide with the southeasterly winds from the southern hemisphere and so do the waters from both sides of the planet. As a result, divergence of water masses is produced thus leaving a gap in surface water compensated with waters from the bottom (upwelling). That is what makes the Humboldt Current (flowing along the Peruvian coast) colder and because upwelling brings nutrients from the depths to the surface, these waters are extremely rich, so a wide variety of marine fauna can thrive there.

Figure 5: ocean surface temperature during El Niño y La Niña episodes across the Equatorial Pacific.
However, this average pattern may be altered by extraordinary events known as the ENSO phenomenon, made of two main different episodes: El Niño and La Niña.

- During La Niña episode, the easterly winds are intensified, so they're capable of transporting more amount of surface water westwards. Consequently, in South America bottom water tries to compensate for this lack of mass and rises to the surface, thus bringing colder temperatures to the region. Snowfall will increase and constant, fast winds will trigger sublimation (i.e. water will be converted from solid into gas); after all, faster winds are able to move water vapour away, leaving the air mass with larger water-holding capacity. Sublimation will favour cloud generation.
- During La Niña episode, the usual easterly winds pattern is drastically altered and the winds will come then from the west, moving surface water from the west Pacific to the East Pacific. This surplus of water will thus block upwelling and as a result, warmer temperatures will be registered, which will favour rainfall rather than snowfall. Furthermore, low winds speed favour melting instead of sublimation, so cloudiness will be diminished.

Figure 6: Mass balance of the Antizana glacier (just beside Cotopaxi; check the map of figure 2). Notice the glacier growth during La Niña episode of 1999-2001.
To sum up, La Niña events will result in positive mass balance (i.e. the glaciers would grow), whereas el Niño episodes would trigger negative mass balance (that is to say, glacier retreating). These results are reflected in the graph above; indeed, the Antizana glacier (next to Cotopaxi) grew during La Niña episode of 1999-2001. That's what makes glaciers overall tendencies more complicated, as one might have thought the glacier was expanding again during these short period.

Figure 7: Cotopaxi glacier's retreat. Left satellite image was takenin 1986 and the right one in 2007.
Nevertheless, evidence shows that the Cotopaxi glacier is retreating at quite an alarming rate, as we can clearly observe in the image above showing the glacier coverage for 1986 and 2007. In fact, this glacier lost 30 % of its mass during 1956-1976, and other 40 % of its mass for the period 1976-2010. The consequences this retreat may bring about are noteworthy:

- Smaller glaciers that have already disappeared have caused a decline in agriculture and tourism, as well as biodiversity loss.
- As glaciers supply Quito with fresh water, their retreat will certainly be a threat for the population. Some authors said that 10-35 % of the fresh water consumed in Quito originates in the glaciers, but this number has dropped to 4 % in latest research.
- A more worrysome issue is the future of energy production. In fact, 50 % of the energy of the country is produced by hydroelectric power, closely related to the status of a glacier. Raising awareness of the population about the effects of climate warming is essential and a correct management could save great amounts of money (for example, in producing power by other means).
- Increased volcanic risk, since the volcano would have less pressure above it.
- A characteristic feature of the Peruvian landscape, called "páramos" (grasslands), would be in danger of disappearance. These landforms are fed by glaciers by 25-35 %, and glacier water plays a major role in the preservation of these structures that act as sponges, especially during the drier period of November-February. Two pictures of these wonderful geomorphological feature are displayed below.

Figure 8: Andean páramos, mostly fed by glaciers.
Therefore, correct management becomes crucial for the preservation of glaciers as a wonderful landscape and as a means to ensure human subsistence. This is particularly true in a scenario of climate warming for the 21st century, by whose end 4-5ºC hotter temperatures are expected. Yet updated and more widely distributed instruments are required to estimate more precisely the development of such a breath-taking and harmonic landform as the Cotopaxi glacier.



URIARTE, A (2009). Historia del clima de la Tierra.
VERGARA, W. Economic impacts of rapid glacier retreat in the Andes. Eos, Vol. 88, No. 25, 19 June 2007.
VUILLE, FRANCOU, WAGNON, JUEN, KASER, MARK & BRADLEY (2007). Climate change and tropical Andean glaciers: past, present and future.
Author: Xabi Otero
•2:03 PM
I'm going to write a short review about the last book I have read, whose title is "We need to talk about Kevin", by the American writer Lionel Shriver. This work won her a literature price in 2005. There are so many things that have drawn my attention in this novel:

- First of all, the style or format in which it's written. It's quite different from all the novels I've read so far, since it's based on the letters that a woman writes to her husband. Therefore, the reader gets information from only one person, who narrates her experiences over the last 15-20 years. To my mind, it's a really good choice, because that way, the story looks very natural and she can include things she never dared to tell her husband.

- Furthermore, the story itself is very interesting, gripping and realistic. In fact, things that are going on could happen in any other family, although it might sound unlikely at some points. And all this story makes you think about how a mother can't always feel proud of her son, about how hard being a mother could be. We tend to think raising a child is easy and fruitful and we immediately blame the parents for anything going wrong in the child, even though that's not always true.

- The book raises again the very famous issue of nature VS nurture through a very tragic yet unluckily realistic example. It also makes us question about some laws (or the lack of them) that are causing great damage, but they're still light years away from being abolished. The work treats other issues such as lack of affection as a result of a child's misbehaviour, difficulties in discovering what is happening in a teenager's mind or questioning about how fulfilled you might feel in some aspects in your life whereas others are going terribly.

In conclusion, I found the book thought-provoking and quite gripping, despite the lack of connection between some chapters (there's indeed a large number of flashbacks). The ending was quite unexpected as well, but I have to say that in the end, I felt that information in the story is not really accurate on purpose, so that the reader can't think about the dénouement of the events. However, this is the only main pitfall I found in such a great novel, so I strongly recommend it.